When asked for advise and a hand getting started on building a walk-through replica of Bethlehem for no money, my curiosity was more than aroused. I didn't even know the Minister of Music, Tim Morrison or his church in Buena Vista, VA- The Pentecostal Holiness Church. I told him I'd at least meet with him on the location sight.
Like a biblical bolt of lightning I was hit by the sudden urge to help those people take the vision to fruition. From the model to reality I became a part of just about every aspect of putting this project together. Church volunteers and other community people volunteered to help and some how it opened (paint still wet) on December 7, 2007 for a six night run.
Costumed re-enactors "lived and worked" in the town of Bethlehem as thousands of visitors saw the story of the Nativity unfold.